
Special Ayurveda Treatment Packages at Chandra Villa

Each package is combined with the accommodation in the colonial house or luxurious rooms with a view of the garden, doctor’s consultations, therapies administered in the Ayurveda treatment centre, and with three meals according to your constitution type and associated with your disorders, yoga & meditation classes and much more.
The team at Chandra Villa including our doctors, therapists, cooks and house personal work very closely with you to ensure that you reach your desired goals from the time you stay with us. Our goal is your utmost satisfaction.

Weight Reduction

Weight reduction treatments work by increasing metabolism through herbal steam baths, full- body massages synchronised with internal medication, herbal teas and yoga. Very special treatments are aimed to eliminate excess fat and ease moving the body and joints, correct the digestion system and clear the body channels.
Minimum stay 14 days or as per the doctor’s recommendation (Virechana, medicated ghee, garshana with powder, vasti and individual diet plans are included)

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Stress Relieving

Stress reduction treatments are aimed with the right food, exercise and a calm and tranquilised atmosphere for your body type. Treatments are focused on fatigue syndromes, hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, blood pressure, headaches, insomnia, depression, anxiety, psychosomatic and cardiovascular disorders.
Panchakarma treatments are special treatments like shirodhara, sirovasthi, full-body massages, foot reflexology massages, internal herbal medication, yoga and special meditation are included.
Minimum stay 14 days, better 21 days.

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Motoric Joints

This package is mainly focusing on arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, knee pain, back pain, spondylitis, spondylosis, slip disk, rheumatism and other joint-associated disorders.
Treatments are focused to eliminate joint inflammation and pain, toxins and free radicals, enhance and balance autoimmunity, repairing the tissues and strengthening bones and muscles.
Internal medication and classic Ayurvedic treatments are included specially attended nourishments and yoga.
Minimum stay 14 days. More longer stay more better.

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Skin and Respiratory

This package is very useful for those who are suffering from psoriasis, eczema, acne and skin disorders associated with allergies, asthma, bronchitis and related to the respiratory system.
Treatments are focused on specific herbs, oils and substances that pacify your relevant imbalances. In this case, Ayurveda nutrition is the great medicine concerned with the origin, timing, quality, combination, quantity, preparation and surroundings with you. Special Ayurveda treatments along with the Panchakarma, special yoga breathing exercises and meditation lessons are included.
Minimum stay depends on the conditions of your disorders.

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Treatment of unfulfilled desire to have children

Ayurveda's history on the importance of treatment of infertility is thoroughly discussed in ancient Atharvaveda literature. Ayurveda treatment for infertility helps you get good results.
Causes of Infertility
Infertility can be caused by male or female triggers. Infertility causes in a woman include ovarian factors, tubal factors, age-related factors, uterine disorders, PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) endometriosis, etc. The menstrual cycle can be impacted by many causes, such as diet, mental instability, unnecessary physical activity, lifestyle and stress, which are liable for developing a Doshas imbalance.
Male infertility is typically caused by conditions that impair either sperm production or sperm transport, including hydrocele, cancers, ejaculation problems, tumours, hormonal imbalances, tubular defects that transport sperm, etc.
In Ayurveda, the primary cause of any improper function of the digestive system is agnimandya (vitiation of the digestive fire of the body) and tridosha dushti (vitiation of three governing factors of the body)
This package ensures well-being by improving the body’s self-healing and balancing processes and does not depend on any external or foreign element to substitute or correct the hormones in the body. But, the general well-being and quality of life of the woman.
Treatments are specially managed and the diet plays a crucial role in the prevention and treatment of illnesses and the preservation of good health.
Panchakarma therapy helps with Agni (digestive fire) deepana and Ama pachana (eliminate toxins) pachana medication with Ayurveda formulas, yoga and meditation lessons with the cookery classes to prepare your meal.
Minimum stay 21 days. More longer more better.

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Boost Immunity

Human beings are born with a basic immune system that is weak. Through constant interaction with the microbes in our environment and within our gut, we learn to fight against new microbes, which help to strengthen the immunity system.
In the last 40 years or so, excessive microbicidal use in the name of hygiene and lack of constant interaction with plants, soil and other organisms has gradually made our immune system weaker, even though our overall health and lifespan have increased.
In Ayurveda, diseases are classified as Nija and Aganthu. Nija diseases are caused by an imbalance in the body and can be prevented by understanding natural tendencies. Aganthu is caused by external factors, which may include various injuries, both physical and mental trauma and a lack of focused health and hygiene policies within a particular society.
The concept of Ayurveda treatments here brings the balance of “Bala” or the concept of strength, “Vyadhikshamatva” or the concept of resistance to illness development and “Ojas” or the concept of supreme resilience. For that, a well-balanced diet includes a variety of spices, a regular yoga practice, a Detox plan with Panchakarma therapy, rejuvenating medicine and more special oil treatments are included.
Minimum stay 14 days.

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